"Park Hotel Sanghai
The tallest building in the East and the first Appartment Building in the world to be protected throughout by the 'Grinnel' Automatic Sprinkler and Fire Alarm"
30th June, 1935, No. 151
"A description of the Park Hotel Shanghai" page 1354-6
The Sulzer 1500 LB. Boyler
Extract from an article published in "The Engineer ", December 31st, 1926
Reprinted from THE MODERN HOSPITAL, April, 1927, issue, Vol. XXVIII, no. 4
Reprinted from the China Architects and Builders Compendium, 1925
Special Country Hospital Supplement
Shanghai, Wednesday, June 9. 1926
"Magnificant Gift By Anonymous British Resident"
reprinted from the Times, Thursday December 12 1935
"Good Building and Bad"
Monatshefte Für Baukultur und Baupraxis
XXXIII. jahrgang - Mai 1935
"Hochhaus in Schanghai", "Kinos in Schanghai und Zlin"
Mittwoch, den 19. von April 1933
"Zur Eroeffnung des 'Grand Theather' "